Good indoor mobile coverage improves business performance
Demands on indoor mobile coverage have never been greater
People are more mobile than ever, in two senses. A constantly increasing use of mobile phones means extreme demands on indoor mobile coverage, while activity-based workplaces with mobility for individual employees create additional challenges. Demands on indoor mobile coverage have never been greater and will continue to grow.
The trend is towards increased individual dependence on mobile phones
Modern buildings must be more energy-efficient than before and must also comply with environmental standards. Today, these requirements, combined with activity-based workplaces, BYOD (Bring You Own Device), the use of apps and increased individual dependence on mobile phones, place enormous demands on indoor coverage.
Poor indoor coverage affects the company’s operations
The mobile signal can become substandard and, in some cases, completely non-existent, depending on where an individual is located. When this business-critical function does not work satisfactorily, it affects the entire company’s operations and can be very costly in the long run. The hostility generated towards the existing operator, property manager and IT department are consequential results of problems with indoor coverage.
Let Coromatic analyse your work environment and existing indoor coverage
The recommendation is to have Coromatic analyse your work environment and existing solution for mobile indoor coverage as soon as possible. Based on the analysis, a solution proposal will be presented in which we also future proof your future needs regarding mobile communication.
The presented solution is both operator-neutral (DAS, Off-Air) and able to handle one or several technologies (GSM, UMTS, LTE, TETRA), while complete support engagement is included as part of Coromatic’s total delivery.